Features and characters of the individual
This ginkgo is a beautiful example of a Brussels : he is the 6th largest of his species in the Region. In this tree everything turns into gold. In October-November, its leaves shine as everything turns grey. When its leaves are carried away by autumn winds, they transform the grass into a golden carpet. Ginkgoes have the reputation for being incredibly resistant, to pollution, radiation, viruses: they are true forces of nature. They have witnessed the evolution of our planet since the dinosaurs’ era. The Chinese and Japanese consider them sacred trees, symbols of immortality. Yet, despite his young age, this tree is already showing signs of stress and weakness. The ground at his foot is probably too compact. Many visitors lie down or have a picnic in its summer. If you visit him, don't get too close to the trunk: it will live longer.
This webpage is enriched with an illustration from the Belgian Federal State Collection on permanent loan to the Meise Botanical Garden. See attached. Thanks to the library (heritage collection) for this contribution.