Laarbeekwood 's Orchard Jette
GPS coordinates :
50.8899 , 4.3054


Latin name :
Malus domestica
French name :
Dutch name :
English name :
Apple Tree
Family :
Height :
6-10 m
Targeted height :
Diameter of the crown :
Trunk circumference :
Expected circumference :
Expected longevity :
Origin / Indigenous
Favorite soil :
Favorite climate

Features and characters of the individual

This apple tree is part of the orchard Laarbeekbos, where 19 other fruit trees can be found. It is a unique place situated between the allotments of Schapengaarde, the Laarbeekbos and the campus of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Jette. The site is owned by the VUB, and together with them, Bruxelles Environnement, the municipality of Jette, the managers of the Schapengaarde, Natuurpunt Brussel wants to create a beautiful spot of nature here. The site used to be full of poplar trees. These were cut down a few years ago and 20 fruit trees were planted instead. We work ecologically and take care of our trees, especially with an eye for nature. We do not use artificial fertilizers or pesticides. De Boskoop is an old apple variety with a strong, upright and broad growth. Produces green-yellow apples with an apricot-red blush, have a yellow-white flesh, are juicy, sweet and slightly acidic. Very suitable as an appetizer or for use in the kitchen. Ready for picking from the end of September but it is advisable not to pick before mid-October in order to obtain the highest possible sugar content.

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