Egmont Park Brussels
GPS coordinates :
50.8381 , 4.3572
In the mood of Park Egmont


Category :
Arbre remarquable
Latin name :
Juglans regia
French name :
Noyer royal
Dutch name :
English name :
Family :
Height :
20 m
Targeted height :
This species can grow up to 35 m
Diameter of the crown :
Trunk circumference :
Expected circumference :
600 cm
Expected longevity :
Can live for 300 years
Origin / Indigenous
Balkans through to Central Asia
Favorite soil :
Prefers rich, deep, aerated and light soils
Favorite climate
Temperate and continental

Features and characters of the individual

In the corner of one of Parc Egmont’s lawns, far from the competition of other trees, this walnut tree can spread out all of its branches and leaves to bathe in the light. Slowly but surely, this tree is ensuring the continuity of a very old walnut tree that grew nearby but has since died. It is quite withdrawn, but still sometimes attracts walkers due to the soft shade that it casts in the summer. It is most noticeable in the autumn, when its foliage turns bright yellow and its nuts are scattered across the ground. Its trunk leans slightly to one side, which indicates the direction of the prevailing winds. These winds are linked to the area of turbulence created by the large tower block behind the tree. Let’s hope that this tree stays put as long as its predecessor did!

Photos: Priscille Cazin - Sylvolutions /32shoot asbl
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